Bad Parenting & The Lost Boys

Completion Date: Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Host Club: Tale Weavers

As described in the book “Peter & Wendy”: “When a boy falls out of his [crib] and is unclaimed by his parents, he is sent to Neverland.” This has led me to believe that the Lost Boys are basically a gang of kids that had parents who did not love them. In this speech I point out the similarities between the Lost Boys and homeless children. At least the Lost Boys were lucky to have Neverland.

About #03 – Get to the Point

Every speech has a general purpose to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire. They are not limited to just one category. In this speech project, the purpose of the speech is to make the presented ideas clear, ensuring that the beginning, body, and conclusion reinforce the purpose.

 Specifics –

Word of Day: Dragon
Speech Time Limit: 5-7 Minutes
Actual Speech time: 6:33

Evaluation Notes –

Pat liked that the speech did what it said:  A correlation between the bad parenting and the lost boys was really made.  By asking a thought provoking question in the beginning, the audience was pulled to the gravity of the situation.  Humor was well used in this speech about a serious topic.

The places for improvements:

– My looking at the notes was distracting.  Suggest putting the stand in front rather than the side.
– I should have referenced the Lost Boys specifically when talking about run-away children.  It seemed like I “lost” them when talking about other children.

Personal Comments –

I really must quit writing these speeches the night before I’m scheduled to do them!  I rely too much on my notes, I have a hard time making the right point, or having the right impact.  Just like everyone else, there are many other things in my life that compete for time!

I should trademark the “Peter Pan Litmus Test”!  I think it got the message out that parents need to listen to their children – It’s not hearing WHAT they say, it’s hearing WHY they say what they say.

Do you have any comments, suggestions, or improvements about the speech? Please leave a comment and tell me what you think: