Mermaids Demystified

Completed Date:  Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Host Club: Tale Weavers

What do we really know about mermaids?  The top half is a human female, and the bottom half is a fish.  Other than that, most people don’t know much more.  Are they really friendly?  What about mermen – do they exist?  Are they real or mythological? Check out this video to learn all about mermaids!

About Project #04 – How to Say it

The objective of this speech is to focus on using the right words to convey a message to the audience.  Choices of language structure should include using words that are easy for listeners to follow, and using shorter sentences than typically used for writing.

Specifics –
Word of Day: Praxis
Speech Time Limit: 5-7 minutes
Actual Speech time: 6:44

Evaluation Notes –

From the evaluator and others, here is what I did well:

1.  Great story telling!  You keep everyone interested.
2.  Between Project #1, #2, #3, and this one – this one was the best!
3.  Great information about mermaids in literary works.  Did not know there was a difference between Sirens and Mermaids.

Here are some suggestions for improvement:

1.  Usually, the stage presence was ok, but there were a few places that could have used a little better use of the stage.
2.  Some motions seemed kind of jerky and not natural.  Practice while paying attention to the body motion.
3.  Seriously?  Underwater Hockey came from mermaids?

Personal Comments  –

I also feel like this was my best one so far!  I do like to tell stories.  I think I will take this one and modify it for the upcomming Tall Tales Contest.

Do you have any comments, suggestions, or improvements about the speech? Please leave a comment and tell me what you think: