Public Speaking

I’ve been involved with Toastmasters since 1997.  For me, it’s not a matter of overcoming the fear of public speaking, it’s a matter of continuous practice in communication.  Even after 15 years of involvement, I still pick up new speaking skills.  I enjoy the social opportunities of our Club, Area, Division, and District speech contests and conventions.


I’ve decided to take the Toastmaster’s Competent Communication Manual and work through each speech with a Peter Pan theme.  Click the link above to see all of the speech  titles and their relation to the speech project.   If the speech has already been completed, there will be a link to view it directly.

What is Toastmasters?
The Toastmasters web site explains it best: “Through club activities and conferences, Toastmasters helps its members improve their communication and leadership skills while fostering self-confidence and personal growth.”
Visit the Toastmasters Website

What is Tale Weavers?
We are a very special Toastmaster club.  We specialize in improving our storytelling and presentation skills.  Our club has about 15 members, which consist of professional storytellers and public speakers.  There are also many new members eager to learn new skills.
Visit the Tale Weavers Website

Current Roles I have in Toastmasters:
• District 6 A/V Chair
• EVP for Tale Weavers