108 Years of Peter Pan

Completed Date:  Thursday, January 10, 2013
Host Club: Results Communicators

Peter Pan first came out as play on Dec 27, 1904.  The legacy of Peter Pan has grown worldwide!  Researching the history of Peter Pan was enjoyable, and speaking about it was even more fun.  Watch the video to learn where the idea of Peter Pan came from, who the author was, and who really owns the rights to Peter Pan to this day (it’s not Disney).

About Project #07 – Research Your Topic

Effective speeches need more than just smooth talking; they need content with support material. Main points need to be reinforced with content such as facts, statistics, anecdotes, examples, visual aids, stories, and illustrations.

Specifics –

Word of Day: Tenacious
Speech Time Limit: 5-7 Minutes
Actual Speech time: 7:05

Evaluation Notes –

The evaluator, Patti Hessling, did an outstanding job as the evaluator.  Unfortunately, the record button did not get pressed, and therefore was not recorded.  Here are a few points that she, and others thought I did well:

1. The research was done well.
2. The findings of the research were presented in a way that was entertaining and easy to follow.
3. Pleasant voice!
4. Used the word of the day.
5. Good logical flow of information.

Places to improve:

1.  Could have used a hand out because there was a lot of details in the information provided.
2. Could have used an outline to develop the “meat” of the speech.
3.  Speaking pace.  Could change up the speed and work on the vocal variety.
4.  Practice saying words that tie the tongue: “perpetuity”
5.  Wearing a green tie would have brought a “Peter Pan” identity to the speaker.
6.  The suit was inhibiting your movements, you looked uncomfortable.
7.  Pauses were a little awkward.  Try finishing a sentence before pausing, and make sure it has the right effect.

Note: all comments have been paraphrased.

Personal Comments –

I’ve enjoyed doing the research on this project.  I had to do it anyway just to plan out the entire 10 speech project.  In reviewing the video, I definately agree that I need to add more to the voice inflection, pay more attention to the way I use pauses, and be even more aware of what those hands are really saying.

I really appreciate the fact that someone finds my voice pleasant to hear.  Like most people, I do not like hearing the sound of my own voice.  Sometimes my children would rather not hear my voice either!  😉

Do you have any comments, suggestions, or improvements about the speech? Please leave a comment and tell me what you think:

2 thoughts on “108 Years of Peter Pan

  1. Don did an EXCELLENT speech-AS USUAL!! If you haven’t heard Don before, you need to put it on your agenda. Not only will you be entertained, you are guaranteed to learn something as well.

  2. This speech is an excellent portrayal of fact and entertainment. Don does very well conveying his message in an engaging way and entices interest into the whole series.

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